Pinterest is a nice website to find photos related to your interest and inspire from them because there are so many fan arts and concept arts. There are also a lot of people who create digital art and nearly every one of them is successful. People from many professions can use this website because there are not only arts there are also documents, mindmaps, images that may make easy your learning process. In my opinion, this website is full of inspiration while being the source of inspiration because if you just take a look at Pinterest for at least 30 minutes you will feel like you are in an art gallery, like the louvre museum, etc.
If we think about education opportunities on this website we can list many things like the opportunity to find many beneficial websites for our learning process or find sentences or words that may help us.
This photo is from my home page and I think it is great way to show how creative pinterest users are:
I created a panel to show you what are the benefits and disadvantages of integrating Creative Drama into our lessons because I want every teacher to realize what are they going to encounter if they try to integrate creative drama into their lessons.
This is link to my panel:
And these
are the links of the contents of my panel:
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